Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hey Howdy Hey

I wanted to start a blog for several reasons. One, I actually really enjoyed writing one for my DCP and I love being a writer for Tips from the Disney Diva's which you can check out here. Two, so that family and friends can read it and stay update on what is happening in my life. And three, as a sort of journal/scrapbook/time capsule for myself that I can look back on an enjoy. Hopefully anyone who decides to read this will be as entertained as I am.

Since this is my first post, and I'm not yet in Florida, I thought I would give an update about what has been happening with my packing process. Today is October 15th, five days before my boyfriend Preston gets here, and six days before I start my cross country road trip. I'm close to being done with packing, or at least I think I am. I have a pile of boxes in my room to help me gauge how many can fit in my car, so hopefully they aren't hiding anything important. I decided to take a break today from the craziness of packing to do something of the other things on my to-do list, like wash my car and get a hair cut. Something to help me keep from going insane from being surrounded by boxes. Plus it was nice to cross some stuff of my list and feel like I was actually getting a lot done.

Two weekends ago mom and I had a garage sale to get rid of stuff and help make money. We had people ready to shop at 6am, even though our signs clearly said 7am, and most of the stuff wasn't out yet. Plus, I can't understand why you would want to shop before the sun was up anyway. You can't even see what you are buying! Buy the end, we sold about half the stuff we put out and I decided I had made about enough money to get me to Texas. We packed up the rest and took it too Goodwill and got it out of our hair. Of course, I'm still finding things that I could have sold, but they are just going in the new Goodwill pile and I'm sure someone will be very happy to find them.

I'm super pumped about the upcoming road trip. It might have something to do with the fact that I finally get to see my boyfriend in 10 months, or maybe it's just that I'm looking forward to living at Walt Disney World. Who knows? I'm slightly nervous that our trip takes us through the Ebola capital of the US, but I'm also trying to think sane about it and realize there is a very slim chance of anyone on our trip actually catching the virus. AND, I actually got a flu shot this year! Well, kinda, I got the nasal vaccine, but hey, I don't think I've had a flu shot since my parents put me under house arrest until I got the Swine Flu vaccine. Let's be honest, when it comes to needles vs. the flu, I would rather get the flu.

I'm really looking forward to finally getting settled in Florida. I feel like life has kinda just been on hold since I graduated, and things are actually going to take off here soon. Right now I'm just going to be working in Attractions in Fantasyland, like I was before, but soon I'm going to put in for a transfer to Entertainment. I figured I should make money while it's the busy season, and once January comes, I will start putting the rest of my life on track. So, if you visit Magic Kingdom before January, come look for me in Fantasyland. And of course I will update here once I know anything new. I'm actually pretty pumped because yesterday I applied for a job as an Entertainment Stage Tech for Disney. I'm over qualified, but I still don't expect to get it. But the possibility that I could, and the fact that I could apply and was overqualified was pretty exciting.

I guess that is probably all for now. I plan on posting on Facebook whenever I make a new post, and I will have a place where you can subscribe and get email alerts anytime I post. I doubt it will be super often, so you don't have to worry about your inbox getting spammed from me. I also encourage you to check out the other blog I am a writer for, especially since I have some pretty exciting things in the works! Every post is great, but look for ones by Undercover Diva, that's me!